Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Welcome Internet Friends!

 Hello humans, Jameson here. I have been secretly hiding my intelligence from my mother for the past year. That's right old lady, I know what it means when you call me a 'Dildo Baggins'. Why do you think I bite you sometimes? Revenge, mom, sweet revenge.
 I am here to tell you of my daily conquests, defeats, and anecdotes, but first, you would probably like to know just who is writing to you, people of the internet. Well, as stated above, my name is Jameson. I'm a guinea pig. No, I don't smell bad. No, I'm not an actual pig. I'm a sweet, cuddly guinea pig; no matter what my mom may try to tell you about me, I am a sweet pig.
No, not this kind of dirty, smelly pig!
I'm this kind of adorable, sweet pig.
 I'm currently a year old. My birthday is early October and my 'gotcha day' is late October. I was a pet store pig. I was sold to mom at three weeks old. A bit young and terrified, but I sort of liked my mom from the get go. Now though, she sort of annoys me. Maybe it's the teenage piggy in me, but mom just doesn't understand me so I rebel against her requests for cuddles and get in fights with my brother.
 Oh yeah, I have an older brother. He might be older, but I've been running this house for longer! He'll probably get on here later and post all sorts of mean untruths about me. Don't believe a wheek he says!
 So welcome to my world internet friends!
Oh yeah, this is me. I'm an Abyssinian pig. I can rock a mo-hawk if I want to.

Wheek wheek,